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We're excited to see the field of competitors who have already won their golden ticket and registered to compete at the 2024 World Food Championships. And we are always proud to announce our special guests and celebrity judges participating in our judging events across the nation - we're sure the championship food certainly helps! Best of luck to our 2024 competitors!


Little Bit of Mom

HEAD COOK: Lois Spruytte

COMPETITION: World Dessert Championship

Lois is a self-taught amateur baker/cook and a native of the great state of Michigan. She first started entering contests on the local level over a decade ago. After a first place local win in 2011, Lois had the confidence to compete on the national level. She competed annually with the National Pie Contest put on by the American Pie Council. She competed from 2011-2018, placing 3 times over that stretch. Lois continued to refine her skill, traveling to Washington State for a week-long pie camp in 2016 and eventually qualifying for her first World Food Championships in 2017. Lois has become a regular within WFC. Year after year, Lois constantly works for that coveted first place win. As the pandemic set in, Lois found a way to be innovative. She entered numerous online competitions leaning on her competitive spirit and continuing to innovate. Over the course of the pandemic, Lois took 2nd place in the WFC Taco Takedown, 1st place in the Lard Lovers contest sponsored by Melissa's Produce, and a 1st place in the Michigan Department of Agriculture's Best Burger in Michigan contest. Even with Lois's successes in online competitions, she is eager to return to the traditional format. While Lois' competitiveness has grown over the years, one constant is her sense of altruism. Lois uses her gifts to "Pie it Forward" to anyone within reach. She has been providing monthly meals for at risk and homeless teenagers for over 10 years. Lois also travels to help server the broader community, having donated time and talents to a major fundraiser for St. Jude hospital during the FedEx PGA tournament in Memphis Tennesse. In June of 2023, Lois was one of 6 competitors on the first Silos Baking Competition. Yes she baked for Joanna Gaines. She hosted a viewing party at the local Brewery in her small town of Richmond Michigan. One of the Newspapers had a writeup about the show and viewing party. Over 150 people came to the party. Friends, family and people who read about it in the paper. Lois and her friend Brenda baked up a bunch of treats for a donation table. All money that day was donated to the Richmond Volunteer Fire Department. A total of $700 was raised in those few hours. Lois was humbled, grateful and Blessed. She then followed her culinary journey and started a Cottage law baking business out of her home. During the summer she sold at her small town farmers market. She also has donated many desserts to different fund raising groups within the Metro Detroit area. As much as she loves meeting people at the farmers market, her heart is full when her baked goods directly impact a nonprofit group. Lois is looking forward to the 2023 WFC.