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Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is the World Food Championships?

    • The World Food Championships is a five-day outdoor cooking competition that brings top chefs and home cooks from all over the globe to battle it out for a Category Champion title and $7,500. In the following months, the ten Category Champs will reconvene for a shot at the World Food Champion title and an additional $100,000.
  • What are the dates of the competition?

    • The World Food Championships will take place in Dallas, Texas, Nov. 9 - 13 at Fair Park.  

    • The 2022 Categories are:

      • Bacon

      • Barbecue

      • Burger

      • Dessert

      • Rice/Noodles

      • Sandwich

      • Seafood

      • Soup

      • Steak

      • Vegetarian

  • How do I compete at the World Food Championships?

    • There are a number of different ways to secure an invitation to compete at the World Food Championships. Check out our How Do I Compete Page for more information.
  • Which hotel is best for me?

  • What is the World Food Championships' COVID Protocol?
    • In accordance with the guidance and recommendations set forth by the CDC and local health officials, we respectfully request that the following guests not attend this event:
      • Guests who are feeling sick or experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms (including fever, coughing and shortness of breath);
      • Guests who have been diagnosed with, or believe to have contracted, COVID-19, unless you have had no fever for 72 hours (without the use of medicine) and 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared;
      • Guests who have been in contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 14 days; and
      • Guests who have traveled internationally in the past 14 days.
For more information about COVID-19 in Dallas County, click here.
For more information about COVID-19 in Texas, click here.
For more information from the CDC, click here.


  • Will attendees get to sample competition dishes?

    • The competition dishes are created only for WFC judging. Although, throughout the tournament, WFC will host many events in which attendees will get to sample championship-caliber dishes. To find out more about these ticketed events, click here. If you're interested in judging at the World Food Championships, visit our Become A Judge page to find a Licensed To E.A.T. course near you. 

  • I'm planning on attending the World Food Championships, where should I stay?

  • Can I bring my own food and beverages?

    • No outside food or beverage will be allowed into the event

  • Can I bring a large backpack?

    • All bags brought into the event must be clear. All bags will be subject to a bag check. No knives or weapons will be allowed into the event site.


  • Where do I enter the event?

    • TBA 

  • How will each category be judged?

    • Each category will have its own competition rules. Most categories will be judged using the World Food Championships' own proprietary E.A.T.™ scoring method.

  • What are the competition rules?

  • Is everything provided to competitors?
    • The contest will provide standard cooking equipment. This equipment is subject to change every year, but is defined in information that will be available to all registered competitors within two (2) months of the event date. All food ingredients, unless otherwise stated, will not be provided by the event. It is each competitor's responsibility to purchase and bring anything they need outside of what the contest provides. 
  • Can my friends and family attend the Main event in November?

    • Yes, of course! 

  • Are travel expenses included in the competition entry fee?

    • No. Competitors are responsible for all travel and lodging expenses. 


  • How can I be a judge at the World Food Championships?

    • All WFC judges must first complete a Licsened To E.A.T. course in which they will learn E.A.T. methodology and how to judges dishes on Execution, Apperance and Taste. To find a Licensed To E.A.T. class near you, visit our Become A Judge page. After completing the course, register to judge at WFC in Dallas by visiting the Judges Registration page. 

  • Does WFC have a volunteer system?

  • Can I judge more than one category?

    • It is possible, though not likely, depending on the number of judges registrations.