Competitor Profile

Sweet Organic Love
HEAD COOK: Annalise Brolaski
COMPETITION: World Dessert Championship
My name is Annalise Brolaski. I've been baking ever since I was a little girl in the kitchen with my grandma. In high school I took a Culinary Arts class where my teacher, Scott Huntley, took notice of my true passion for creating desserts. I would volunteer to help with catering events as much as I could, and from there I decided to attend The Art Institute of California, San Diego for a degree in Baking & Pastry Arts. I remember my first day in my Intro to Baking & Pastry class with Chef Tina Luu, though it was 5am, I knew that I was in the right place. That bake shop would be my home for the next two years, where I learned as much as I could about artisan breads, chocolate, sugar work, and pastry art. I fell in love that first day, and the love for my craft continues to grow every time I see the smiling face of anyone who tastes my creations. I graduated in June 2014 as the Outstanding Graduate for Baking & Pastry. I worked in bakeries before and all through out my college experience, and now I am working at an award-winning restaurant, Cucina Enoteca in Del Mar, part of Urban Kitchen Restaurant Group. I also do my own home-based organic dessert catering. Anyone can call or email me to place an order, and I can make almost anything they'd like, all organic. I call my small business Sweet Organic Love. I do everything "with love," it's even tattooed on my arm with a whisk and knife next to it. I truly love what I do. I learn something new every single day, and I appreciate all the blessings that the Universe sends to me. I am forever thankful for my fateful meeting with Thomas Keslinke, a co-founder of Chef's Roll. One night when I was in my chefs' coat at the grocery store, he gave me his business card, I set up my online profile at Chef's and I have received so many incredible opportunities since then. From a feature on Fox to the San Diego Union Tribune, I thank the universe for setting me up for success! My recipe for Success: Be Positive, Stay Humble, Work Your Ass Off, and Thank the Universe!!! To learn more about Annalise, please visit her Chef's Roll profile at