Competitor Profile

Le'Chef Amours Haute Team
HEAD COOK: Jernard Wells
COMPETITION: World Seafood Championship
QUALIFYING EVENT: Music City Cookoff
Chef Jernard Wells Presents ( East Wave Diva's) With a great sense of humor, Chef Jernard has been called, “the young Barry White of food.” Making Vast appearance’s on The Food Network (Chef Wanted & Paula’s Party) He is an author of an Amazon best-selling Cookbook 88 Ways to her heart. The book focuses on cooking demonstrations and helpful tips in the kitchen as well as terrific ways to start sparks in a new relationship or keep the sparks sizzling for those already in love. Chef Wells recently released two new books, The Weight of Expectations & Breakthrough which focuses on the expectations of life and achieving greatness spiritually and through healthy eating his new books are on track to hit the New York Times Best Seller List.