BY BEN VAUGHN on February 21, 2014
Monthly Archives: February 2014

The Olympics of Food
With all the buzz in the media about the recent Winter Olympics, the U.S. is focused on the spirit of competition set on a world stage. A recent spot on ABC Nightline showcased another competition composed of worldly ... READ MORE

It Looked Good Enough to Eat
Early food memories are few for me but the ones I can recall with most detail are the ones that looked good enough to eat. I love that saying, “It looked good enough to eat.” It couldn’t be more appropriate of a saying ... READ MORE
BY BEN VAUGHN on February 18, 2014

There are several industries that tout skill and creativity as the sources of their finished products. Take, for example, the furniture industry. Let’s consider a handcrafted chair of an artisan furniture maker. It’s a simple ... READ MORE
BY BEN VAUGHN on February 13, 2014

To School or Not To School
Should you go to culinary school? This has become a hot topic of conversation and it’s not going anywhere soon. More than ever, people of all ages are chasing the dream of running their own restaurant or becoming the next ... READ MORE
BY BEN VAUGHN on February 3, 2014