BY ALLY PHILLIPS on July 31, 2013
Monthly Archives: July 2013

Thoughts from a 25k Grand Winner: Dole California Cook-Off, part 2
Competing: The unexpected Cooking contests are more than just competing. They’re full of parties, activities and all the fun that goes along with shindigs of this nature. Since I’d come to this event solo, I wasn’t sure what ... READ MORE

Dole California Cook-Off: Thoughts from a 25k Grand Winner, part one
Once upon a time, blah blah blah, maybe a blip or glitch or two and then it’s Cinderella time and she lived happily ever after! I remember these kinds of fairytales from when I was a little girl. Now even as a kid in a big ... READ MORE
BY ALLY PHILLIPS on July 26, 2013

To Foodie Friendships and Fabulous Trips
My last post left you in the midst of my East Coast to West Coast journey. If you will remember, my sweet hubby took the kiddos home after our whirlwind college tour up the East Coast. I am currently awaiting my ... READ MORE
BY BETH PETERSON on July 10, 2013